Hi Everybody (:

I believe that technology is the most important part of our

life because we are living and surviving by technological

stuff. If there is not a technology, then there won't be

developed human society. I mean people are using

technological stuff every time, so they are addicted to them

and they can’t live without it. Therefore, technology is really

big business sector, by the way people are competing about

it and that’s why technology is improving itself every second

with the help of techno guy. I know sometimes you need to

learn something about technology but people are not so

honest about it because some of them are earning money by

this sector. Anyway I want you to learn whatever you want

from right sources. Therefore I am browsing really good

sources for you and I am going to add 1 or more than 1 topic

per a week. If you want to learn something special you can

send me an e-mail or comment, then I’ll try my best for

answering your question. Also I hope you will send me your

ideas about my blog via e-mail or comment, because that’s

the one of way for learning something about my blog. After

that I’ll use them for improving my blog. Also if you know

something which I do not know, send it to me and I will

search it, after that if it is right and valuable enough for

shearing I’ll publish it. I hope you’ll enjoy your time when you

are here. Have a fun and learn something.

Deylem Onursal (Admin)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What About iPhone 3G ?

Apple changed iPhone's concept because they want to sell their phone to every country’s people. New iPhone have a negative and Positive things like every other technological stuff, therefore I am going to explain what about iPhone in Turkey.

iPhone 3g’S Price?

iPhone’s price is really high in Turkey by every buying way (Turkcell, Vodafone or without any company.) Apple was modified their every single product’s price for countries. Therefore it is not a fair because they are selling their price by really high price in the Arabic and Undeveloped countries. Also they are selling their products by really low price in U.S.A and European countries. It doesn’t make sense to me because it is not about tax or it is not about shipping. It is just about charging lots of money by their power.

(I believe people shouldn’t buy iPhone, because if they don’t then Apple will decrease the prices. Otherwise, if they buy Apple won’t lose any power so it will continue selling products with unfair wages. )

iPhone 3G’S Security and Strength ?

iPhone is really secure until today, but it is not going to be anymore because in the last meeting of Apple ,which was doing about 1 months ago, there was a really good question asker and we know they are looks like everyone but they are special because they are professional hackers. Anyway Apple couldn’t reject their questions because the entire world was watching that meeting by media. Therefore now that people know what they wanted to learn. Finally they are going to create virus as soon as possible and send them in to the internet ports, after that iPhone can’t be secure. We will see anti-virus programs for iPhone soon but they won’t work in the beginning of their evaluation. All technological stuff needs a time for realize errors of it and fix them.

iPhone's strength isn't like the other company's phones because of the its technology. I mean if you broke button of phone you can fix it but if you broke window of iPhone you can not. Therefore people have to use carefully their iPhone. Also iPhone’s program is so weak, it will easily say to you those “I am not responding.” lots of time.

(I believe you had better if you buy any other company’s new kind of phone instead of iPhone 3G.)

New TouchScreen Technologies.

New TouchScreen Technologies are coming and they will sell their phone buy lower price because they wanted to beat Apple up. If you think it is logical because they can earn much more money if they sell more than iPhone by low benefit. I think they will also improve TouchScreen Technologies. Therefore, if you haven’t bought iPhone yet , then don’t buy it and wait for new kind of TouchScreen Technologies. That would be better for you…

(I believe you won’t lose anything if you wait because if you even still think that iPhone is better, and then you can buy by lower price because of the new technologies.)

Interesting Information About iPhone 3G

- It sold 1 million first week in U.S.A
- They didn’t sell it to people who are not American Citizen.
- They send it to countries by the different times.
- Before their policy was 1 company for iPhone I mean it does work with just one company (Example: Turkcell or Vodafone or Avea) but now it does work with every company.
- First time they didn’t send it to lots of country but this time they did.
- There is some program in iPhone which just does not work in Turkey.

Deylem Onursal (Admin)


  1. Kerim Papaker said...

    I haven't and won't buy anything from Apple. Thanks for this informative blog

  2. KeReM said...

    I was thinking about buying an iphone 3g but when i saw the price i totaly forgot about it. You were also thinking about buying it. How is that going??

  3. Deylem Onursal said...

    I am still thinking about it and if I make a decision about buying it, I'll but first of all , y'know , I have to find my old phone (:

  4. celine said...

    i hate cell phones