Hi Everybody (:

I believe that technology is the most important part of our

life because we are living and surviving by technological

stuff. If there is not a technology, then there won't be

developed human society. I mean people are using

technological stuff every time, so they are addicted to them

and they can’t live without it. Therefore, technology is really

big business sector, by the way people are competing about

it and that’s why technology is improving itself every second

with the help of techno guy. I know sometimes you need to

learn something about technology but people are not so

honest about it because some of them are earning money by

this sector. Anyway I want you to learn whatever you want

from right sources. Therefore I am browsing really good

sources for you and I am going to add 1 or more than 1 topic

per a week. If you want to learn something special you can

send me an e-mail or comment, then I’ll try my best for

answering your question. Also I hope you will send me your

ideas about my blog via e-mail or comment, because that’s

the one of way for learning something about my blog. After

that I’ll use them for improving my blog. Also if you know

something which I do not know, send it to me and I will

search it, after that if it is right and valuable enough for

shearing I’ll publish it. I hope you’ll enjoy your time when you

are here. Have a fun and learn something.

Deylem Onursal (Admin)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nanatechnology (Part 1)

Could the people lived in 50’s imagine that scientist can rearrange or restructure molecules? It is called nanotechnology and almost 50 years ago, a famous scientist named Richard Feynman predicted nanotechnology, all before anyone had even seen an atom with a microscope. It was 1959, only two years after the first satellite was launched into space and two years before men did first spaceflight. Richard Feynman explained his ideas when he was in California Institute of Technology for the meeting which is organized every year by American Physical Society. [1] In 29 December 1959, he asked the basic question in front of lots of important scientist. “Why can’t we write the entire 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin?” [2] By the time he mentioned how important and possible nanotechnology is, no one could even guess about it. However he was one step ahead of the time that he lived and tried to show future, importance of nanotechnology.

Deylem Onursal (Admin)